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Letícia Trevisan
November 13, 2023
min reading time

Open Banking is a regulation adopted by countries around the world that grants customers total control over their core banking data, allowing them to choose whether or not to release this information. In practice, financial institutions and fintechs can share customer data and services.

The financial data exchange (FDX) champions innovation and the emergence of new business models, offering customers an easy, agile, secure, and convenient experience as a bonus. In addition to customizing each product or service, this promotes financial inclusion, and education for the population, and ensures regulatory compliance.

In this post, you will understand how data sharing will be vital in creating new products and services, focused and personalized for each customer. These aspects, including API integration for banks, serve as the foundation for each phase of Open Banking, along with an exploration of how Open APIs come into this context.

The expectation is that transparency between institutions in the exchange of information, particularly within the CFPB Open Banking framework, will lead to improved credit policies and service offerings tailored to different user profiles. This transparency is anticipated to make comparing offers from participating institutions easier, fostering greater competitiveness with benefits for consumers.

Who is responsible for establishing the rules of this game?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a federal agency enacted following the recession in 2008, focused on consumer protection, security, API governance, and data privacy in financial services.

Agencies like the FDX and the CFPB discuss and define the Open APIs that will be used in implementing Open Banking platforms, the requirements that need to be met, and how they will work in practice. 

Banking as a Service

Banking as a Service (BaaS) is a crucial component of Open Banking (OB), allowing those who adopt this concept to benefit from more partners, new product and service proposals, additional revenue streams, and greater customer satisfaction.

An example of an institution leveraging the benefits that Open Banking has offered is Banco Original. The institution sees the BaaS platform as fundamental for building a partner ecosystem to connect different areas of knowledge.

These initiatives allow institutions to offer more financial and non-financial products, and at the same time generate high volumes of transactions and customer retention, as well as improve customer satisfaction and create new revenue streams.


In essence, the introduction of Open Banking not only ensures standardization but also represents a significant change in the financial landscape. Emphasizing openness, security, and putting customers first, the Open Banking movement encourages creativity and innovation, creating an environment where financial institutions are driven to create and provide custom-made, seamlessly integrated products.

As Open Banking takes shape in the U.S. starting from Open Data to enhanced services and more, the importance of API integration for banks, security and compliance, API Governance, and Banking as a Service has become evident. The dedication to safeguarding customer data, emphasized by the CFPB Open Banking rules, highlights the importance of ethical data practices. Open Banking goes beyond just regulatory compliance; Open Banking is an ongoing process pushing the financial sector toward legacy modernization with better services, cooperation, and lasting consumer benefits.

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