E-commerce and Retail Solutions

Build the best customer experiences with APIs

Enable better, personalized digital experiences in e-commerce and retail that make it easy for customers to interact with your brand and stay engaged. Promote agility and omnichannel experiences across all customer touch points.

New Digital Channels, Chatbot, Mobile Apps
Core Banking Integrations
Agile Architecture & Legacy Modernization
IPaaS for Cloud, CRMs, Legady Data
Direct-to-bank Integrations & API Management
CFPB Compliance & Open Banking
Embedded Finance & Fintech Integrations
Banking and Financial Services with Sensedia
CFPB and Open Banking COMPLIANCE

Turn CFPB Regulation into innovation for banks, credit unions, and fintechs

Embrace the future of finance with Sensedia, driven by CFPB's commitment to establishing clear standards and best practices. With our deep expertise and successful track record in global Open Banking standards like PSD2, Brazil's Open Banking, and the FDX, Sensedia is your perfect partner to navigate open banking compliance. Leapfrog financial powerhouses with Sensedia by your side.

For Credit Unions

Accelerate open banking implementation and propel your business beyond compliance.

  • Build new and innovative digital banking experiences and services for your members.
  • Utilize Sensedia's low-code platform to connect core and legacy systems, CRMs, cloud services, banking apps, lending platforms, and accelerate the launch of financial products to your members.
  • Tackle legacy modernization from core banking to open banking enablement.
  • Easily partner with fintechs maintaining total control over your integrations.
  • Elevate API security and governance with Sensedia’s open banking-ready platform.
  • Improve developer experiences and accelerate third-party and partner onboarding processes.
For Regional Banks

Take full control of fintech partnerships to build open and interoperable ecosystems.

  • Use Sensedia’s low-code iPaaS platform to connect core and legacy systems, CRMs, Cloud Services, to partners, and accelerate your time-to-market.
  • Leverage embedded finance by partnering with fintechs to address immediate market needs.
  • Prepare for open banking regulations and drive business growth beyond just compliance.
  • Tackle legacy modernization from core banking to open banking enablement.
  • Launch Innovative and customer-centric digital banking products and services in record time.
  • Gain visibility and governance over your APIs.
For Fintechs

Connect directly to banks and skip intermediaries to power your innovation.

  • Enable plug-and-play connectivity to build revenue streams with embedded finance.
  • Enable AI-based functionalities and seamlessly integrate chatbots, website, Apps, IoT, kiosks, and other customer facing touchpoints.
  • Elevate API security and governance with Sensedia's open banking-ready platform.
  • Improve developer experiences and accelerate third-party and partner onboarding processes.
  • Gain visibility and governance over your APIs.

Enable AI chatbots and other digital channels

Utilize Sensedia's low-code platform to enable digital experiences and services. Integrate mobile apps, AI chatbots, and other channels to elevate your customer engagement and loyalty, while simultaneously driving substantial revenue and maximizing ROI.

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Easily connect to banks, credit unions, or fintechs

Quickly and seamlessly connect directly to third-party partners, and skip intermediaries to gain full control over your integrations. Leverage embedded finance to meet consumer demands when they need and when they need it and build new revenue streams.


Turn CFPB Regulation into financial innovation

Sensedia is a global leader in open banking, helping 40+ financial institutions launch compliant products for millions of users. Cut out intermediaries and accelerate your embedded finance, payments, and BaaS deliveries while in compliance with CFPB regulations.

Sensedia API Platform

Your reliable business connectivity hub

Sensedia is your all-in-one integration platform, prioritizing security, reliability, and scalability. For over 200 clients, our platform accelerates digital innovation and ecosystem building through low-code, automated workflows. Our legacy-friendly connectors ensure plug-and-play compatibility, future-proofing your business.


Unlock legacy systems for maximum performance

Leverage your dependable legacy systems as a competitive advantage by seamlessly connecting internal data and insights. We mitigate technical debt by offering a future-proof, flexible, and composable architecture roadmap, so you can adapt to new technologies and trends and maximize business performance.

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Unlock your growth potential with Sensedia

Discover how APIs are revolutionizing the retail industry

Enable new digital channels & partnership opportunities

  • Accelerate partner integrations up to 4.5x faster time-to-market
  • Connect products and partners to create new offerings, like loyalty programs
  • Expand the reach of your products and open up new revenue streams
  • Build and manage integrations effortlessly with our ready-to-use connectors

Gain actionable insights via real-time API monitoring

  • Track and optimize API performance by monitoring response times, error rates, and latency to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance
  • Proactively detect issues, anomalies, or potential security issues and take action before they can impact your business
  • Provide insights into usage patterns, traffic spikes, and resource utilization enabling capacity planning and data-driven decision making

Improve digital experiences with real-time responses

  • Deliver timely and personalized interactions for improved engagement
  • Create actionable insights based on real-data and user behavior analysis
  • Increase customer loyalty through instant event-driven user experiences

Establish sales platforms and marketplaces

  • Position your e-commerce as a hub for partners maximizing sales and market visibility and reach
  • Scale up operations and create additional revenue streams with ease
  • Streamline integrations through a custom developer portal for an intuitive and efficient developer experience

Trusted by leading companies for our secure and reliable solutions


Develop new digital channels and easily integrate existing ones

No matter what kind of experiences you provide, it's crucial to focus on a customer-centric journey. We make it possible to create a smooth and secure omnichannel experience, including marketplaces, chatbots, physical stores, websites, IoT, and cutting-edge technologies like AI.


Leverage your API catalog as strategic business assets

Leverage the capabilities of an advanced API management platform to drive innovation in your e-commerce ecosystem. Develop APIs that provide product insights, leverage artificial intelligence, optimize logistics workflows, and enhance fraud prevention strategies.


Strategic Expertise that drives innovation and connectivity

Digital Experiences

Streamline the creation and delivery of highly integrated digital channels that bring value to both your customers and your business.

Integrate Partners & Ecosystems

Provide a frictionless experience, from onboarding to implementation, and foster partnerships that enhance your offering and relevance in the market.

Agile Architecture and Legacy Modernization

Accelerate your digital strategies by increasing the scalability and flexibility of your entire architecture.

Open Innovation

Maximize the potential of open innovation models and platform positioning to extend your reach and create multiple revenue streams.

Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to the most common questions about our retail and e-commerce solutions.

Why is an omnichannel strategy important?

Omni means everything, everyone. In other words, omnichannel is being present in all sales or communication channels. With APIs, you can distribute your services across different interfaces and devices. This changes the customer experience, eliminating gaps between various channels and facilitating a conversion decision.

In what ways can APIs improve sales in my online shop?
  • Enables you to share product information through database integration

  • Connects your website to social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

  • Enhances search mechanisms, ensuring your customers can easily locate what they're searching for
How does an event-driven architecture improve my retail and e-commerce business?

Events, in this case, refer to significant actions that hold great importance for the business. For instance, when a customer adds a product to their e-commerce shopping cart. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) harnesses these events to seamlessly activate campaigns, such as recommending complementary items, issuing coupons, and displaying ads, all without the need for a request/response cycle.

How does API integration for marketplaces work?

Marketplaces are a great solution for centralizing services and/or products offered to customers or partners. Using our Developer Portal, integrating with marketplaces through APIs is easy. Our automated documentation presents all the necessary information in a user-friendly and efficient manner. This allows your partners to effortlessly explore the available services, essential details, expected results, and even access consumption graphs and request history. We also provide a Sandbox environment where tests can be conducted for all the APIs available through the portal.

What benefits can Sensedia's digital experiences bring to enhance the security of my business?

Sensedia offers a robust API lifecycle management tool that empowers your business by unlocking valuable information while prioritizing security.

The Sensedia API Platform provides built-in security policies against the top 10 known internet attacks, as well as OAuth security policies, JWT validation, IP filtering, data encryption, and many others. These features are easy to use, simply drag and drop them into the API flow, and you're good to go - fast and code-free.

How does Sensedia improve the automation process for my retail business?

Sensedia is a leading player in the integration market, by unlocking data from your e-commerce platform, Sensedia seamlessly integrates it with your back office, streamlining the transfer of information. 

This means that orders are automatically sent to your billing system while ensuring your e-commerce platform stays updated with real-time inventory data. With automation in place, the risk of manual errors is eliminated.

Additionally, Sensedia goes beyond integration by offering comprehensive monitoring features. Empowering you to gain valuable insights into your business and monitor the overall health of your integrations.

How our API strategies drive growth in the retail industry

We are highly specialized in developing seamless integrated journeys across all digital channels. By implementing an omnichannel strategy, we help you deliver an unparalleled customer experience and in turn generate value for your business.