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Luciana Bandeira
June 10, 2020
min reading time


In today's digital landscape, a developer portal serves as a critical platform for engaging with developers and driving the success of your products and services. A well-designed and informative developer portal not only facilitates seamless integration but also enables a vibrant and collaborative developer community. 

Are you aware of the importance of having a Developer Portal available to your API consumers? In this article, we will explore the advantages of this portal and how it can effectively support your business by facilitating the dissemination, accessibility, and centralization of information through a unified channel.

What is a Developer Portal?

A developer portal is a platform designed to support developers for an organization. It serves as a central hub that houses essential resources, documentation, tools, and APIs necessary for efficient software development. It’s important to note that a developer portal is more than just a repository of technical documentation, it is a strategic asset that drives innovation, collaboration, and growth. 

At Sensedia, we specialize in crafting fully customizable Developer Portals tailored to a client’s specific needs. With a well-structured, intuitive portal, your organization can improve the developer experience in three key areas.

Empower Developers: A developer portal empowers developers by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and documentation to seamlessly integrate solutions into your platform. It enables them to explore your APIs, understand their capabilities, and access sample code or SDKs, saving valuable development time.

Foster Communities: A thriving developer community is a powerful catalyst for growth. A developer portal serves as a central hub where developers can connect, collaborate, and share their experiences. It allows them to ask questions, offer insights, and contribute to collective knowledge, fostering a sense of belonging.

Accelerate Adoption and Integration: A well-designed developer portal can significantly accelerate the adoption and integration of your platform. By providing resources such as comprehensive and up-to-date documentation, code samples, and tutorials, you improve the developer experience and understanding, enabling the quick and efficient implementation of your APIs or SDKs.

Understanding the Developer Experience

Developers seek comprehensive documentation, easy-to-use APIs, interactive tutorials, and robust support resources. By understanding their pain points, we can develop an outstanding developer portal that provides exceptional value and improves confidence. We separate information and formatting into two parts:

  • Functional documentation

Basic flows, API Guide, and Status Code. These components are developed by our consultants, who collaborate closely with clients or the API developers themselves.

  • Technical documentation

By uploading the API, the module automatically reads the JSON file and dynamically assembles resources, sample calls, and other data that appear on the API browser.

Why have a Developer Portal?

Having a developer portal for your business is a game-changer. It's a central hub where developers can find all the information they need to understand, develop, and integrate APIs smoothly. it's a key ingredient for your business to thrive in the digital landscape. 

What are some Developer Portal resources?

Developer Portals serve as a platform for sharing information, they also enable the creation of additional pages to enhance API documentation and developer experience, through added documentation and support. Our comprehensive approach ensures that developers can access valuable resources with minimal friction. Let’s take a look at some resources provided by Sensedia’s Developer Portals:

Browser API

This API Swagger release page is a dedicated platform for announcing and providing access to new versions or updates of an API, leveraging the Swagger framework for documentation.

APP Creation

Offers direct integration with the Sensedia Platform, allowing you to generate access keys for API usage and customize access permissions based on your own rules, determining which environments developers can access. Gain control and flexibility over API utilization through this seamless and secure integration process.

Account creation system

By registering on the Portal, developers will automatically be registered on Sensedia’s Platform database. This means that all registrations and communication can be seamlessly managed within a central database. Enjoy the convenience of a streamlined process, where developer registrations and interactions are easily identifiable and efficiently handled.


Provides a clear visualization of the calls made by the app created under the logged-in account. This ensures visibility of app activity across different environments, providing you or your team with valuable insights.


Access granting and restriction plays a vital role in determining the structure of your organization, enabling specific individuals to access designated pages and documentation based on their assigned roles. This mechanism ensures that content is always available to relevant user groups.

Community Tools

Encourage collaboration and provide community support channels. Maintain a developer-focused blog to share the latest updates, best practices, and industry trends and implement discussion forums or Q&A where developers can interact, ask questions, and share insights. 

File browser

Clients can easily share various file types, including images, without the need for an external storage system. This means they can directly store images within the Portal, generate a link to each image, and seamlessly incorporate them into textual information. This streamlined process eliminates the need for additional storage solutions and enables efficient sharing and integration of files within the platform.

Ticket Tool 

Users have the convenience of opening tickets to ask questions and seek assistance. The option to disable this feature is available, providing flexibility. If preferred, clients can choose to integrate an external tool like Zendesk to handle support inquiries based on their specific needs and preferences.

Drupal CMS

This system serves as a platform for delivering various types of content, including basic pages and content blocks. Some examples include:

  • SDKs available for download
  • User guides with initial steps on performing an integration
  • The terms of use page
  • Pages containing API flowcharts
  • A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page

Multilingual system

As Sensedia expands its reach, the need to create and provide content in multiple languages has emerged. Content can be viewed through a side menu on the Portal to facilitate editing. This feature is particularly significant when working with international customers.

In conclusion

Based on the information and insights provided above, consider the multitude of benefits that a Developer Portal offers your business. If you are interested in learning more about how Sensedia can help enhance the developer experience and facilitate seamless API consumption, please contact us today and embark on a journey towards unlocking the full potential of your APIs.

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